Monday, 17 December 2012

Christmas & New Year's Schedule

As mentioned at Mass this past weekend, there are 2 days of holy obligation outside of Sundays in Canada: Christmas and New Year's Day where the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.  If you attend Mass the evening before, this counts towards fulfilling that particular obligation.  Thus, it is important to note the times of the Christmas and New Year's (Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God) schedule.  The bulletin has the dates in addition to the homepage of the parish website.  For your convenience, the Mass times are listed below:

December 24:
5 PM, 7 PM, 9 PM

December 25:
Midnight, 10:30 AM, 12:15 PM


December 31:
5 PM

Holy Hour @ 11 PM
January 1:
Midnight (following the Holy Hour)

9 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:15 PM

Monday, 12 November 2012

Confirmation -- Session 2 Notes & Assignment

Candidates for Confirmation can now find the Notes and Assignment file on the parish website.  Please go to the Sacraments Page to find the link to the file.  Alternatively, you can click here to access the file.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Confirmation Session 1

For those who were absent from the 1st session of the Confirmation Program, please refer to the notes and assignment sheet that is now available on the parish website or by following the link below:

Session 1 Notes & Assignment

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Photos from the Summer

It's been a long time coming, but photos from a couple of parish events this past Summer have photos that are now posted online in the parish website photo gallery.  They include the Line Dance Workshop-Fundraiser and the Youth Rally held at Mt. Alverno Retreat Centre.

Thanks for your patience.  Enjoy!

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Last Chance to Register for First Communion & Confirmation

As announced at Mass this weekend, there is one final opportunity for students to register to receive their First Communion or the sacrament of Confirmation for the 2012-2013 Academic Year.

First Communion Registration: Saturday, October 13 @ 10:30 AM

Confirmation Registration: Saturday, October 13 @ 2:00 PM

If you are attending a registration session, please ensure that you bring a copy of the Baptismal Certificate of the child who is to receive either their First Holy Communion or Confirmation.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Parish Youth Rally -- Registration Deadline on Sunday!

For all young people entering Grade 9 up to those who are 20 years of age: if you are still interested in attending the St. Barnabas Youth Rally, registration closes this weekend.  Please return your completed registration forms and money to the parish to one of the leaders after the Sunday Masses this weekend.

If you need another copy of the registration forms, please follow the link below:
St. Barnabas Youth Rally Registration Form

A confirmation email will be sent to all registrants next week which will include a list of what to bring and what not to bring as well as links to music that will be used during the retreat.  This will help all participants learn the music in advance and won't have to learn all the songs while up at Mt. Alverno.

We look forward to seeing registration forms and all participants at next week's St. Barnabas Youth Rally!

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Video: (Guest) Reflection/Homily by Br. Nick Ali -- Aug 4/5

No, that's not a typo...Although the parish may have thanked and said 'good-bye' to Br. Nick, Fr. Edwin invited him back to preach this past weekend.  Br. Nick has been organizing the Totus Tuus program that is taking place at the parish over the past few months from the parish end and it seemed only fitting that since he was going to be here anyways, that he gives one last reflection to the parish community.

Here's the link below.  Enjoy!

Br. Nick Ali -- August 4/5, 2012

Friday, 27 July 2012

Video: Gift Presentation to Br. Nick

In case you were away last weekend, the parish hosted a farewell gathering for Br. Nick after all the Sunday Masses.  Fr. Edwin also presented him with a gift during the announcements at all 5 Masses which included a book and thank-you card on behalf of the parish community.

You can find the video from one of the presentations below:

Gift Presentation to Br. Nick

We give thanks to God for the many blessings that Nick has brought to our community.  We hope and pray for his continued success in his studies and discernment as he returns to St. Augustine's Seminary.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Br. Nick's Final Weekend Homily @ St. Barnabas

As you are well aware, the transitions continue at the parish as Br. Nick completes his internship assignment at St. Barnabas.  It seems like yesterday when Fr. Edwin was introducing him to the community back in the Fall.  Now, Nick will get a one-month holiday before returning to St. Augustine's Seminary for what may be, God willing, his last two years of formation before ordination to the priesthood.

This weekend, there will be a farewell reception for Br. Nick after all Sunday Masses, including after the 4:30pm Mass on Saturday.  Please stop in to say thanks to him for his contributions to the parish and to wish him well.

For those who missed it or would like to go back, you can see his last weekend homily below:
Br. Nick's Homily -- July 14/15

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

St. Barnabas Youth Retreat & Fundraiser

As announced at Mass the past couple of weeks, the parish will be hosting a Youth Rally at Mount Alverno Retreat Centre on August 18-19.  This is a fun weekend for young people going into Grade 9 up to those who are 20 years old.  There will be games, activities and opportunities to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.

For those interested in attending, you can check out the files below:

Information Sheet
Retreat Registration Form

The cost for each person to attend is only $50.  In order to be able to offer such a low price for this retreat, there will be a series of fundraisers over the next few weeks at the parish.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

The first of these fundraisers is a Family Movie Night this Saturday, July 14.  The evening begins around 6:30 PM in the Parish Hall with a FREE viewing of "How to Train Your Dragon."  Refreshments and snacks will be provided.  Donations are greatly appreciated and will go towards the St. Barnabas Youth Retreat.

Family Movie Night Flyer

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

The Vocation Stories of Associate Pastors

As we enter into the month of July and all the transitions that come with it, it is hard to realize that Fr. Paul has indeed moved on to his new parish assignment.  Below you will find a couple of links to YouTube that include Fr. Paul's homily from June 23/24 which includes his vocation story and the gift presentation during the announcements at Mass:

Fr. Paul's Homily -- June 23/24 Weekend

Gift Presentation to Fr. Paul

This past weekend (June 30/July 1) we've also had a chance to listen to another vocation story as our new Associate Pastor, Fr. Luis Calleja shared his journey to the priesthood during his homily.  We welcome Fr. Luis to the St. Barnabas community.  If you were away for the long weekend, please don't hesitate to introduce yourself to Fr. Luis and make him feel at home in the parish.


Monday, 25 June 2012

Farewell Message from Fr. Paul

To the St. Barnabas Parish Family,

Thank you everybody for coming to my farewell get together. Thank you also for all your kind words and generous gifts. Thank you to the youth, young adults and all those who helped set up and serve at the event. The event was amazing and truly memorable for me. The presentations and videos were really cool.
I am really grateful that I had the opportunity, joy and pleasure to have served here at Saint Barnabas Church, my first church as a priest. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this wonderful parish community along my journey as a priest. Thank you for the joy that I received from working with the youth, young adults, CWL, RCIA and other ministries. It has been my pleasure to pray with you and celebrate the Eucharist and other sacraments with you. Thank you Father Edwin for being my friend, teacher and example. Thank you Deacon Paul for all your support and being there at my side. Thank you Gemma for taking care of me. Thank you office staff for teaching me so many things. Thank you Saint Barnabas Community for the three awesome years that I have been here with you. I will never forget you and will always pray for you as I know that you will pray for me.

God bless you all
Fr. Paul

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Mission on Divine Mercy -- May 14 @ 7 PM

On Monday, May 14 starting at 7:00 PM, Fr. Anthony Gramlich of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception will be leading a Divine Mercy Mission at St. Barnabas.  This is a great opportunity to learn and open yourself up for renewal and to learn about God's message of Mercy.  The evening will include Mass with Homily on Divine Mercy, Benediction, praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the opportunity to receive a blessing with the oil of St. Faustina.

Click here to view a poster advertising the event.  All are welcome to attend!

Sunday, 6 May 2012

"By the Grace of God" -- Music Concert

The St. Barnabas Music Ministry is excited to be hosting an Easter Concert on Friday, May 11 @ 7:45pm in the church.  The evening will feature hymns of praise and glory in honour of the risen  Jesus.  There is NO cost of admission.  However, a special collection will be taken up during the concert to help support the Parish Refugee Sponsorship Program.

Many of our parishioners pour in hours of hard work to put together such a wonderful concert.  If you missed the Christmas Concert last year, you can check out photos in the parish website's photo gallery.

Everyone is invited to enjoy the music and to help support this worthy initiative.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Divine Mercy Novena Schedule

As we now celebrate the Paschal Triduum, we are called to remember the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  In addition to the Masses and Liturgies that will take place during the Triduum, the Divine Mercy Novena will also take place.  The schedule is as follows:

Day 1 -- Good Friday (April 6) -- after 3 PM Service
Day 2 -- April 7 -- 3 PM
Day 3 -- April 8 -- 3 PM
Day 4 -- April 9 -- After 9 AM Mass
Day 5 -- April 10 -- After 9 AM Mass
Day 6 -- April 11 -- After 9 AM Mass
Day 7 -- April 12 -- After 9 AM Mass
Day 8 -- April 13 -- After 9 AM Mass
Day 9 -- April 14 -- After 9 AM Mass

Divine Mercy Sunday (April 15) -- Mass at 2 PM
Followed by Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 PM

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

The Journey to Initiation (RCIA)

If you have been flipping through your copies of the readings at Sunday Mass the past couple of weeks, you will have noticed that we have been using the Scripture readings used for the First and Second 'Scrutiny' for the RCIA -- Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults -- Program.

These candidates have expressed a desire to be baptized and received into the Catholic Church.  Over the past several months they have journeyed with others, learning about our faith. They have undergone this program so that at the Easter Vigil, they will respond lovingly to God's call to be baptized, confirmed and receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist for the first time.

Fr. Edwin has invited parishioners to attend the Easter Vigil Mass where the sacraments of initiation will take place for the RCIA candidates.  Please keep in mind that the Mass is long (3 least).  There will be 9 readings from scripture (7 Old Testament Readings, Epistle from the New Testament and the Gospel), in addition to the sacraments of initiation being conferred on the cadidates.  If you are able to attend, it will be a wonderful celebration as we come together to rejoice in the Lord's Resurrection.

Plus, Fr. Edwin has asked that you continue to pray for the candidates.  Below you will find a photo of the candidates, with their sponsors at the Rite of Elect ceremony that took place at Holy Redeemer Parish in Pickering on Sunday, February 26 celebrated by Bishop Vincent Nguyen.

Thank you for your prayers and support for the RCIA candidates.  May this Lenten season be a time of growth as we journey towards the joy of Easter.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Notes from Parish Lenten Mission

Last week, Fr. Dominic Borg delivered our Parish Lenten Mission. Some of you may have noticed Ken scribbling a few notes during his homilies. Encouraged by our holy pastor, below you will find his notes that are particularly worth remembering.

First, a few points from his homily at Sunday Mass last weekend:
  • Fr. Dominic spoke of Lent as our period of preparation, a journey towards Easter - the feast of our joy and freedom. Lent, he explained, comes from an Old English word that means something like "spring" or "spring time." God has the power to change our winter (death) into spring (life).
  • Lent is a time to abide, to immerse ourselves more fully, in the Divine Word of God. The Word of God has the power to create out of nothing. The Church teaches that God created ex nihilo (Latin, out of nothing). When we read Psalm 51 (Create in me a clean heart, O God...), we can take it to mean two ways. First, God can create a new and loving heart for us out of absolutely nothing because of who He is. Second, we are nothing in comparison to the greatness of God, and so out of our nothingness will God create this new loving heart.
  • Lent is our imitation of Christ who was driven by the Holy Spirit to the wilderness, the desert. This experience of the desert is powerful and should lead us to realize that the Cross is not just an ornament to be worn, but a principle to be lived.
Second, a few points from his homily on Monday evening:
  • Example-education is the best education. Christ told His disciples, "Wash one another's feet as I have washed yours." St Paul tells us to "imitate me as I imitate Christ." Moreover, God Himself told the Israelites, "Be holy as I, your God, am holy." To be holy is to be perfect in love and mercy. Be perfect as your God is perfect, be merciful as your God is merciful, be loving as your God is loving.
  • Prayer is dialogue with He who loves us. St Teresa of Avila teaches that prayer must be rooted in humility, the love of neighbour, and detachment from this world. We should always remember that when two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus, He is in their midst. Jesus is God, and God is love. Where love and charity are found, God is always there.
  • Pope Benedict XVI's message for Lent 2012 is a catechesis on Hebrews 10:24. In it, he teaches us that we should have concern for each other, reciprocate this concern of others in gratitude, and that we are all called to holiness.
  • We should always be mindful that God is perfect, and He is never wrong.
Lastly, a few points from his homily on Tuesday evening:
  • The first reading of Mass from the prophet Isaiah (55: 10-11) tells us that God's Word will not return to Him void, but will accomplish what is sent for. The Word of God was sent for healing His people and delivering His people. Healing and delivering can both be derived from the Latin word salve (think 'salvation') which means medicine.
  • St Paul's letter to Timothy tells us that all scripture is the inspired word of God. We should read the Bible for a purpose. This purpose is not so that we can learn about something other than ourselves, but precisely so that we can learn something about ourselves. Think of the Word of God as light that illuminates our being so we see more of it. Think of the Word of God as awakening in us as sleeping giant of faith.
  • St Jerome's commentary on the "Bread of Life Discourse" in John 6 tells us that the Bread of Life is both the Holy Eucharist and the Word of God. Read John 6 with the Eucharist in mind, and then read it again with Sacred Scripture in mind.
  • It's not a matter of how much of the Word we memorize; it's a matter of how the Word affects us, and how much of this effect we notice.
  • The Gospel passage of Mass (Mt 6: 7-15) presents the Lord's Prayer. At the end of the prayer Jesus pinpoints that forgiveness is the key to the entire thing. We should be mindful of the words "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us," especially when we recite them: these are not empty words.
  • We are encouraged to read at least parts of the following documents: Verbum Domini (On the Word of God, September 2010) and Porta Fidei (On the Year of Faith, October 2011). These documents will prepare us to the coming Year of Faith, beginning later this year and ending in 2013.
This is by no means a comprehensive summary of the Lenten Mission, but only some of the key points that were written down. May these bear fruit in your Lenten Journeys, as we move closer to the greatest feast of our faith at Easter.

God bless you all!

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Photos, Photos and more Photos

As always, the parish has been very busy the past few weeks.  From the Valentine's Day Dinner Dance by the Knights of Columbus, to a Dance Workshop-Fundraiser supporting a Retreat for young leaders in the parish community, to the display of over 160 sacred relics at the church -- there is a lot to take in.  If you were not able to join in and participate in recent events or would like to remember some of those moments, the
photo gallery
of the parish website has been updated.  Included are some pictures from the following events:

February 11 -- Knights of Columbus Valentine's Dinner Dance
February 17 -- Display of Relics by Treasures of the Church
February 19/23 -- Barnabas Disciples (Young Adult Group) Fundraiser and Gathering
February 25 -- Country Dance Workshop Fundraiser

These are by no means the only events that have taken place at St. Barnabas.  We are truly blessed to belong to a vibrant and active community.  Yet, these are the gatherings where photos are available.  We hope that you enjoy.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

"Oh Lord Throughout These Forty Days..."

Lent is a time of renewal. During this season we need to take concrete steps to recommit our lives to God and grow in the likeness of Jesus our Savior. The 3 pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting and alms-giving, help us show our love for God and neighbor.

In prayer, we experience the steadfast love of God. Devotional prayer, reading the scriptures and quiet meditation are moments of grace, where we experience God's immense love for us.

Fasting and abstinence help us grow in the virtue of self-control. Living in a consumeristic society only increases our wants and desires. The virtue of self-control doesn’t make us unhappy. Rather it helps us live a more disciplined and fruitful life.

Alms-giving or charity reminds us that we need to love our neighbor and care for those in need.
So may this holy season of Lent bring us closer to God and make us more charitable in service of our neighbour.


Thursday, 16 February 2012

Consistory Update

Cardinal-Designate Thomas Collins with a delegation from the Archdiocese of Toronto have been in Rome for a few days now as preparations are well underway for the Consistory that creates new members of the College of Cardinals this weekend.  Archbishop Collins and the Canadian pilgrims were in attendance at the weekly Papal Audience yesterday and had the opportunity to greet the Holy Father.  For additional photos and news from Rome, please check out the Archdiocese of Toronto blog, tumblr page, twitter feed, or main website itself.  (If you're confused as to what some of these terms or websites are, please feel free to click and see for yourself.  They're safe!)

The Consistory ceremony where Archbishop Collins will receive his gold ring and 'red hat' from Pope Benedict XVI takes place on Saturday morning.  On Sunday morning, he along with the other new cardinals will concelebrate Mass with the Holy Father.  On Monday, Thomas Cardinal Collins will celebrate Mass in the Vatican Crypt and be part of a reception for all newly created cardinals.

Also, Salt & Light Media will be covering the events of the Consistory this weekend. Please note that many of these live events will be taking place early in the morning -- or late at night depending on how you see it -- such as the Consistory Ceremony on Saturday at 4:30am.  Repeat showings will take place throughout the weekend so please check the schedule.

Please keep Archbishop Collins, all those to be elevated to the College of Cardinals and all the pilgrims in Rome in your prayers so that this weekend may be a beacon of hope and joy in the Church and around the world.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Exposition of Sacred Relics -- Feb. 17

Relics are physical objects that have a direct association with saints or with Our Lord.  A wide collection of relics will be exposed at St. Barnabas Church on Friday, February 17 at 6pm.  The evening begins with an informative talk regarding relics and how important they are to our faith, followed by the opportunity to view and pray in the presence of the sacred relics.

'Treasures of the Church' is the ministry that is responsible for making this evening possible and has more information about sacred relics on their website.  In addition, you can find a schedule of other parishes that will be visited in the Archdiocese of Toronto.  For a list of relics that will be on display, click here.

Any updates regarding the evening will be posted on the parish website and in the bulletin.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Fr. Edwin on Vacation: "A Visit to the Gateway of India"

On Wednesday morning I visited the seminary and met with Bishop Agnelo Gracias, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Bombay. He was the person who accepted me into the seminary. Bishop Agnelo is a man of faith and loves people. He is always ready to meet, greet and encourage. I have learned much from him.

 On Wednesday evening, I was in downtown Mumbai with my good friend Fr. Andrew, Fr John D'Mello (former professor at St. Pius Seminary)and Elaine D'Souza (young lady who works at the Canadian Consulate). We had an excellent dinner at a Chinese restaurant. The owner went to a Catholic School and so dessert was on the house. Didn't have much as I am getting old. Before dinner, Fr Andrew and myself visited the Gateway of India, which was built to commemorate the visit of King George V and Queen Mary to Bombay in Dec 1911. From here there are ferry boats that take people for a tour around the harbor. Opposite the Gateway is the Taj Mahal Hotel. Both these places were the scene of a terrorist attacks in 2008. But the people of Bombay are resilient and continue to visit these places of interest in large numbers.

The next few days are going to be last minute visits with family friends. On Tuesday morning (Monday afternoon for all of you) I board the flight to Toronto.

Keep well and God bless,
Fr. Edwin

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Fr. Edwin -- Blogging from Bombay

On Wednesday I visited my friends at St. Pius X Seminary. This is the major seminary in Bombay and it is where my journey to the priesthood began. As I con-celebrated the mass, walked around the seminary and prayed in the various chapels, it gave me goosebumps because this is where it all started for me. As I reflected on my entire journey of discernment and priesthood, I realize how God has always been faithful and continued to give me the strength to serve Him. 

Bombay is a city of 12 million people and most the people live in absolute poverty. People from different faith backgrounds live in peace and harmony. Everyone has some belief and fear of God. As I walk through the streets and watch the poor, I have never seen them sad or depressed. They have absolutely nothing and yet they have peace. Reminds me of the Jesus words: Blessed are the poor for theirs is the kingdom of God (Luke 6).

I continue to enjoy the good weather, good food, super family and friends and the good faith of the people. I hear that Scarborough is full of snow. No worries as long as we have our faith, family, friends and common sense (can't take risks in the bad weather), all will be fine.

God bless,
Fr. Edwin

Monday, 9 January 2012

Blogging from Bombay

Greetings once again from the holy land of Bombay, where the weather is 24C and I am enjoying every moment here. Today Fr. Caje will be visiting and both of us will be going to do some visits. One of them will be Bishop Bosco, auxiliary bishop of Bombay,  who is celebrating his 75th birthday.

Every morning I concelebrate mass at St. Michael's Church. Each Wednesday they have the devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. People from different faith backgrounds attend this novena. It is so amazing to see all these people come together to pray and seek God. 

On Thursday I will be visiting the Archdiocean Seminary, where my journey to the priesthood began. Fr Caje has arranged a gathering of priests on Thursday evening. It will be lots of fun meeting with the guys and catching up on stuff.

My prayers and best wishes to all of you

Fr. Edwin

Friday, 6 January 2012

"On the Twelfth Day of Christmas..."

With the celebration of Christmas and New Year slowly subsiding, we have been treated to a surprising gift and blessing from the Holy Father.  If you have not been made aware already, Archbishop Thomas Collins was named as one of several to be elevated to the College of Cardinals by Pope Benedict XVI.  Cardinal-Designate Collins will be the 16th Canadian Cardinal and the 4th for the Archdiocese of Toronto.  The official ceremony, called a consistory, will take place next month in Rome whereby he will receive his "red hat."
For more information, check out the special archdiocesan web page located here.

In other news, Fr. Edwin has landed safely in India and as promised, will be blogging throughout his vacation.  Below you will find his first post from half-way around the world:

Greetings to all from Bombay! I arrived here on Jan 5th at 4 am. My sister Carol and her husband were at the airport and I was happy to take off my sweater etc because the weather is 30 C. So enjoying the break from the cold

My flight from Toronto was good. I flew Etihad, the national carrier of the United Arab Emirates. The crew on board were excellent and I enjoyed the flight. I watched a movie, said my prayers, behaved and slept. I had one stopover in Abu Dhabi. While there you hear the Muslim prayers being recited. Interesting how Muslims have no problems about witnessing to their faith. I guess we Christians are too shy or too diplomatic.

My sister Carol is busy pampering me and it has only been a few hours. But then people at St. Barnabas pamper me too! Spoiled brat that I am.

Thank you all for your prayers and may God bless you

Fr. Edwin